Who We Are?

We are a small group of passionate Christians who seek to worship the Triune God, to live in obedience to His Word, to grow in fellowship with God and with our fellow brethren, and to be witnesses for our Lord Jesus Christ where He has placed us. 

Most of us make our dwelling in the satellite city of Navi Mumbai, and we gather for worship at our church hall.

While we function independently as a local church, led by a plurality of elders, we are connected to the historic church called out as the Body of our Lord even before the foundations of the world.

While functioning independently as the local assembly, we are part of and accountable to the great Universal Church which is primarily the Body of Christ and made up of all the redeemed children of God in the current age, and the ages gone by and the ages to come.

We subscribe to the great Ecumenical creeds (Apostles, Nicene, Chalcedonian) and the great Confessions (Westminster, Belgic, Heidelberg) and trace our connection to church through the ages, going back to our Lord and His Apostles and beyond. 

We are imperfect, weak, striving, people, but we are by Grace justified and redeemed, placed on the path of Sanctification and final glorification. We are Trinitarians and mostly Reformed in Theology. We gather on the Lord’s day (Sunday) to sing and praise Him which culminates in the administration of the Communion or Lord’s table. Communion is not only a memorial and symbol for us, rather we believe in the real, Spiritual presence of our Lord in the Communion, as we partake of Him. (This is in accordance with the classical Protestant view of the Reformers).

After having offered our praises to the Triune God, and partaking of His presence in the Lord’s Body and blood, we listen to His instructions, admonitions and encouragement through the ministry of the Word.

We believe in the continued work of The Holy Spirit and the continuation of the gifts as seen in the Scriptures and operated according to the Sovereign will and purpose of the Holy Spirit because He is God. All gifts should be humbly used for the edifying of the Church and not for the projection of individual authority and power or any other base considerations.

Please read our statement of faith to understand the core doctrines which we hold dearly. 

If you are in Navi Mumbai and looking for a place to worship the Lord, please do visit us as the Lord gives you guidance. 

May God’s immense blessings be upon you.